Making Your Seminars Work

by David Radin

Target Your Audience

Seminars, like other marketing tactics are only useful if they reach the right audience. So make sure yours reach your right audience by targeting the most likely buyers (or decision influencers) for the seminar, and enticing them to attend by delivering information that will attract them to your seminar.

Pay Attention to the Details

In any seminar tour, there are hundreds or even thousands of details related to logistical, marketing or sales. Some within your span of control; some not. If you pay attention to them, they'll probably go well. Even if they don't go well, your attention to detail will allow you to act swiftly so the problem issues won't ruin your seminars.

Arrive Prepared

Do as much in advance as possible. The aim is to allow your presenters to arrive fresh, and pay full attention to your prospects without being distracted by logistical issues.

Register Your Guests In Advance

Presentations always go better when you know your audience. Registering your guests in advance gives you the information you need to do a better presentation. It also allows you to make sure your registrants actually come to hear your presentations, and it highlights whenever a special prospect has registered.

Make A Dynamite Presentation

A room full of pre-qualified prospects is a special opportunity. Take advantage of it by giving them a presentation (or demonstration) that will make them want your product.

Follow Up Quickly

For most products, the sale isn't made at the seminar. It's made after the seminar. But the longer you wait to contact your attendees, the less likely you are to close the sale. Follow up rapidly to take advantage of your momentum.

David Radin, President of Marketing Masters, has helped organize seminar programs for companies such as Silicon Graphics, The Santa Cruz Operation, WordPerfect, Auto-trol and others. His book "Building A Successful Software Business" is published by O'Reilly & Associates. David can be reached via Internet e-mail at

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